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Farm Freezer Beef - orders yours  today!
Grilling Season is year round in our house. Be sure and order your steaks today.
We are a true family farm that raises beef cattle the right way. 
Pasture raised with free choice grain.
Fill Your Freezer or Purchase Individual Cuts
All beef is naturally raised. NO hormones or fed antibiotics.
All cattle are pasture raised and grain fed.

1/4 or 1/2 Beef Packages
cut, vacuum wrapped and frozen, we also offer custom boxes of meat- pick your $ amount and the cuts you want and I will build you a custom box.
All natural -
(1/4 beef  is typically around 175lbs hanging weight)
Stop in and see our new farm store
11554-100th Street NORTH side of the road
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 3-6 pm
Friday 2-6   Saturday 9-1
We carry all the amazing MooVIlle Products -Creamline Milk, Ice Cream, Butter ect.
Local Bison, honey, maple syrup, pasta, ketchup

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Jami Goble 616.366.6533

In addition to beef , we have individual cuts of lamb , pork and bison too!
I often get ask why our beef has such great flavor. It is a very simple answer.
We raise our cattle the right way.
We start with good genetics. Cattle need a good start and genetics is the beginning.
We breed to the right bulls and have sound females therefore, we start with a great calf.
We do not buy random cattle from ship yards. We only breed sound genetics.
Next is nutrition.
Just like humans, cattle need a balanced diet. Our cattle are out on pasture - we do not have confinement cattle. 
The stock are out on pasture year round and have free choice grain we have grown ourselves. The grain is a mix of barley, spelt, oats and corn. 
The cattle are looked at and walked through daily to look at overall health.
We are a true family farm.
My husband and myself along with our boys do all the day to day work from feeding the livestock to growing all the feed. 
We love our farm and put our heart and soul into this farm every day. 
We love for people to see our farm, we are not a tourist trap - you will not be able to pet our cattle, 
However you can see how they are raised.
We greatly appreciate each and everyone of our
guest that come to our store or visit us at the farmers markets..
We are always happy to answer any questions you may have.
Contact us at anytime or come out for a visit.

Visit or freezer beef website at